How to get Dust of Fate TCG card?
Odyssey Booster packs and cards in packs can be traded on
The first way to get Dust of Fate TCG card
Participate in the Odyssey Booster Pack On Sale event, buy the Odyssey Booster Pack directly, open the pack, and get the card!
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Stay tuned to the official Telegram/Discord community and X, where each round of Odyssey Booster packs on sale will be announced!
The second way to get Dust of Fate TCG card
Purchase it on
Odyssey Booster Packs on rarible :
Souni DoFโCards on rarible:
In addition to the above 2 ways, there are also chances to get Dust of Fate TCG card through more official events!
Rules for the issuance of Dust of Fate TCG card
Total: One million.
mode of issue: Opened through packs, or other forms of activity.
Last updated